Source code for impyute.imputation.cs.em
import numpy as np
from impyute.ops import matrix
from impyute.ops import wrapper
def em(data, loops=50):
""" Imputes given data using expectation maximization.
E-step: Calculates the expected complete data log likelihood ratio.
M-step: Finds the parameters that maximize the log likelihood of the
complete data.
data: numpy.nd.array
Data to impute.
loops: int
Number of em iterations to run before breaking.
inplace: boolean
If True, operate on the numpy array reference
Imputed data.
nan_xy = matrix.nan_indices(data)
for x_i, y_i in nan_xy:
col = data[:, int(y_i)]
mu = col[~np.isnan(col)].mean()
std = col[~np.isnan(col)].std()
col[x_i] = np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=std)
previous, i = 1, 1
for i in range(loops):
# Expectation
mu = col[~np.isnan(col)].mean()
std = col[~np.isnan(col)].std()
# Maximization
col[x_i] = np.random.normal(loc=mu, scale=std)
# Break out of loop if likelihood doesn't change at least 10%
# and has run at least 5 times
delta = (col[x_i]-previous)/previous
if i > 5 and delta < 0.1:
data[x_i][y_i] = col[x_i]
data[x_i][y_i] = col[x_i]
previous = col[x_i]
return data